
Tutoring Services

Our tutors are Deaf and highly experienced, and they provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals. Tutoring is available anytime, during and outside of semesters, so you can get extra help whenever you need it.

CURRENTLY, our tutoring services are on hiatus and will resume within the next two years. Subscribe to email updates from DEAF, Inc.’s ASL Program to stay tuned with our program expansion!


Tutoring Services

Our tutors are Deaf and highly experienced, and they provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals. Tutoring is available anytime, during and outside of semesters, so you can get extra help whenever you need it.

CURRENTLY, our tutoring services are on hiatus and will resume within the next two years. Subscribe to email updates from DEAF, Inc.’s ASL Program to stay tuned with our program expansion!


A fair skinned woman with grey-brown hair in ponytail. She is wearing a long sleeved black shirt. They are signing "are". The background is solid grey. The captions say "All tutors are Deaf and highly experienced, and trained."

Tutoring Services

Our tutors are Deaf and highly experienced, and they provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals. Tutoring is available anytime, during and outside of semesters, so you can get extra help whenever you need it.

CURRENTLY, our tutoring services are on hiatus and will resume within the next two years. Subscribe to email updates from DEAF, Inc.’s ASL Program to stay tuned with our program expansion!

For Limited Time: ASL 2024 Summer Classes for Children (Age 9-12)

Is your child 9-12 years old and wants to learn ASL? We have the perfect opportunity for them!

Our virtual ASL 1 class is taught by Syd Ahmed, a Deaf instructor with experience teaching children. The class runs from July 10th to the 31st. Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 PM EST. Registration ends on July 1st.

Monday, July 1, 2024









A fair skinned woman with grey-brown hair in ponytail. She is wearing a long sleeved black shirt. They are signing "are". The background is solid grey. The captions say "All tutors are Deaf and highly experienced, and trained."

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