American Sign Language can be used in everyone's daily life! Learn various ASL signs and skills that can benefit you and your needs.
DEAF, Inc. now offers paid virtual tutoring sessions for anyone who wants to improve their ASL skills through one-on-one consultation.
Our tutors are Deaf and highly experienced, and they provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals. Tutoring is available anytime, during and outside of semesters, so you can get extra help whenever you need it.
Available Categories (with at least 30 topics you can select and customize to meet your goals and needs):
DEAF, Inc. adheres to the following 5 values that guide our work going forward.
Supporting and empowering the rights of Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, and Late-Deafened people to decide and achieve their goals. This includes input to DEAF, Inc. programs and services. Also, ensuring staff participation, leadership, and empowerment within the organization.
Being free of barriers to communication for Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, and Late-Deafened people. DEAF, Inc. is committed to providing full access to our programs, services, and events. We also support and advocate for our community's access to services and opportunities in the larger community.
Supporting people in deciding their personal and professional goals. We support people's decision-making and acknowledge that they have the right to determine what is and is not appropriate for themselves.
Creating an environment where people increasingly take charge of their lives and where staff members are active participants in the leadership of the organization.
Respecting diversity in the Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, and Late-Deafened community. Respect is essential for unity, self-determination, accessibility, fairness, and equality.